We’ve had the pleasure over 32 years of welcoming your new arrivals—the excitement, the pride, the announcement of their name, the baby pictures, the siblings. It’s a huge perk of being in a profession that has as its base young families and their babies, toddlers and tykes.
Now it’s our turn to introduce our newest arrival—a new web site and a revised name. Serenity Swim at Lifestyle Swim School (www.lifestyleswimschool.com) just seemed like a natural name to better define what it is we do and what we offer. In a playful, joyful pool we provide the optimal learning conditions to become a water citizen—a true water baby. The element of water is to be enjoyed, respected, not feared. It is a place of learning, exploration, competency and confidence. The water, in our watery classroom, is like velvet to the touch—we slip into it with ease and feel the flow of movement. It is serene, not turbulent. And in that serenity the child is allowed to unfold naturally, guided by parents they love and trust and teachers who respect their humanity and never force them or compromise their wellbeing or spirit.
We have always been Serenity Swim at Lifestyle Swim School (www.Lifestyleswimschool.com). Now we’ve just clarified the point, differentiated our uniqueness and gentle methods, helped define the holistic nature of our child-centered, family-friendly program. The name says it all.
We hope the new formatting, payment and registration areas provide ease of use. We hope the written materials provide enrichment. A special thanks to Lynne in New Zealand at Inspirational Media Online for her countless, patient hours guiding our process of web revision and bringing the site into the 21st century. (We had the labor pains; she was the calm and encouraging midwife!)
Enjoy the new web site; let us know your thoughts; share it with your like-minded friends. Friend us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Watch, as over time, we revise/renew/refresh the siblings– our educational web site babyswimming.com; our adult offerings; our International Teacher Training. And enjoy reading the blogs as we bring you insights on water as a learning environment and on water parenting.
Thank you all for being part of a special community of learners and making us a part of your family. We are continually grateful for your positive support.
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